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Incredible journeys

EAT PRAY TRAVEL AND LOSE up to 10kg in 15 days. It's the promise of a holistic journey that incorporates adrenaline, adventure, nutrition, meditation and detox.

Scheduled to begin on 28 September 2024, the Let's get away Travels and Expeditions has designed a trip that promises to exceed the expectations of the most experienced holidaymakers, through a Expeditionary trip to São Tomé and Príncipe with the aim of recapturing the enchantment of life, gaining health and even losing up to 10kg in a 15-day trip.

Inspired by the film Eat Pray Love, with actress Julia Roberts, who feels and discovers that she has always had problems in her love relationships. One day, she leaves everything, husband, work, friends, determined to live new experiences in different places for a whole year. She sets off for India, Italy and Bali to rediscover herself on a great journey of self-knowledge.

Slimming, weight loss and diets

When we think about losing weight, our main goal is to feel dissatisfied with ourselves. This discontent is filled with things that are supposed to bring us a sense of pleasure. So eating more is a resource our brain uses to say "I'm not hurting anyone"So what we discovered was fascinating! On a journey we're together with people who share the same pain. And if there's even a tiny bit of hope, then our help is brutal in starting the transformation.

A Transforming Experience

Discovering your inner self. If at any time you've felt that everything is too empty, dull, lacking in flavour. You feel that you're lacking a sparkle, a strength, a will to live. This journey is for you. To regain a marvellous intention to live a full life in this universe of multiple possibilities. To change the course of your life and rewrite your story.

The universe is infinite, prosperous and abundant. Perhaps your pain or emptiness has a greater purpose. The universe doesn't work with subtraction, it only expands, adds and aggregates. There is no punishment, subtraction or waste. Nothing happens by chance. We have a deep-seated belief that tomorrow will be better and we forget that tomorrow starts now. Nothing will change.


If for some reason all this is familiar to you, know that it's not your fault. When this happens, we lose our ability to see the different possibilities of living an entirely spectacular, abundant and marvellous life. We seek relief in addictions, social networks, drink, food, games, pornography or work. And this search never ends and we lose the true essence of being. This journey is a meeting of souls with the marvellous purpose of renewing our lives, rekindling each person's divine spark through self-love.

Differentials of the Expedition - EAT PRAY TRAVEL AND LOSE WEIGHT

Rediscover your life through a unique conviviality with people like you. People who have lost the sparkle of life at some point due to financial, marital, love, family or professional circumstances.

There are many types of trips. Destinations that promote All Inclusive, beach, food, drinks and sun. There are also different destinations with activities, hikes, wine tours, adventures in a tribe and even shark dives. But it's in São Tomé and Príncipe that we feel the magic of a trip that goes much further than a spiritual, mystical, exotic or adventure destination.

Let's travel, eat, pray, love and lose weight. Accompanied by the fantastic Dr Cláudia Maestre, all those enrolled will have a thorough medical check-up before and after the trip. The aim is to show that no one will go hungry, but on the contrary: we will have more than 5 healthy meals a day with grilled fish, salads, some fruit and spices extracted from the most fertile land and full of vital energy.

A relaxing but very attractive circuit, travellers feel an impetus for life. Rekindling the will to live, which has long been lost due to life's various reasons, and finding yourself in a paradise, you give yourself permission to walk, dance, live, swim and taste the unexpected.

We have succeeded in promoting a journey for those who are looking for something more in life. The desire to live an adventure combined with the concept of travel itself, we model the perfect destination for perfect people, travelling in a group, living an experience in a clean, safe and prejudice-free environment. No matter what your background, age, career or social position. This is an invitation to everyone who wants something higher in life.

  • Experience:
  • Spiritual, Holistic and Wellness Journey
  • Destination: São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Dates
  • 28 September to 05 October 2024
  • 05 to 19 October 2024
  • Duration: 15 days

Why São Tomé and Príncipe?

With the experience of an expeditionary like Luciano Baetz and a trip organised by nutrition professionals like Dr Cláudia Maestre, travellers are guaranteed to travel and enjoy a programme designed to make them happy with a super healthy diet.

Hundreds of travellers come back slimmer and healthier. And our research has concluded that this is no miracle. Nature and all its life force of a volcanic island full of energy, aligned with the centre of the earth we do a digital detox because we are excited about the next walk, waterfall, farm, culture, beaches etc.

A balanced diet based on fish, fruit and vegetables renews our bodies and intestines with real food. The simple fact of not eating meat can in itself begin to reduce various micro-infections in the body. Fruits and the very way of seasoning food with local spices offer a balm of immediate relief from body aches and pains. If we put it this way, we might be afraid to believe it because it sounds too good to be true.

But anyone who has been to São Tomé and Príncipe knows that Ginger, Turmeric and the Sape Sape fruit, also known as Graviola, are the basis of natural spices and juices on the island and all these roots, fruits and vegetables have already been scientifically studied as potent natural remedies and antibiotics, superior to thousands of drugs according to a scientific journal (scielo.org). Being in São Tomé will be a natural rejuvenation.

Lose up to 10kg

If you've come this far, then realise that we know your pain. We deeply understand the inner emptiness you feel and the urgent need for relief. Many people seek the solutions below, especially in the run-up to summer.

How to dry in a week?

Such is their desperation that some people put themselves through various diets and regimes in the hope of losing 3, 4 or 5kg in a week. Can you imagine what's really in that person's soul?

What can you do to speed up weight loss?

Our promise is real and many of our travellers have already lost weight without realising it. This is where the magic of this trip comes in. Being in an environment clean of any kind of pollution allows us to disconnect. And in 15 days we've effectively lost weight, but that's not the most important thing: we've learnt to live a new life.

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Let's Get Away - Travel and Expeditions

Av. Kwame N'Kruma Loja 603 - Hotel Pestana Miramar, São Tomé and Príncipe

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